(Gainesville, GA) On Feb. 10 scientists estimated three extraordinary events to occur on the same night. Their prediction was of a lunar eclipse, a comet and a full moon.
The night started with a full moon. Although a full moon isn’t considered to be extraordinary to the general public, this particular moon is called a full “snow” moon. USA Today researched the meaning behind each month having a different name for the moon. Through the Farmers’ Almanac, they found full moon names dating back to the Native Americans in the Northern and Eastern parts of the United States. Each full moon has its own name to keep track of recurring full moons. USA Today also suggested that calling February’s full moon the “snow” moon is right on target. On average, February is snowiest month in America, according to data from the National Weather Service.
The next event was the eclipse. The lunar eclipse was a penumbral lunar eclipse. Not as spectacular — or noticeable — as a total lunar eclipse. This rather subtle phenomenon occurs when the moon moves through the outer part of earth’s shadow (known as the penumbra), according to EarthSky.org. The exact moment of the penumbral eclipse was 7:43 p.m. ET (6:43 p.m. CT, 5:43 p.m. MT and 4:43 p.m. PT), and was visible from Europe, Africa, Western Asia and Eastern North and South America.
The comet named Comet 45P followed the Penumbral lunar eclipse. It was visible a few hours after the eclipse occurred. At this point, it had been visible after sunset for nearly two months, but that night it was be the closest it has ever been to the earth’s surface. NASA reported that it would be 7.4 million miles away. The comet is said to have a bright blue-green head with a tail following. It should have appeared near the constellation “Hercules.”
Last night Feb 17-18 a dozen of us eye witnessed a FULL LUNAR ECLIPSE take place at 12:20-1:20am Cambodia time from Phnom Penh. Not only that, moon appeared to REVERSE, absolutely baffled, wierdest thing I ever saw in my life.
– Moon turned deep dark orange brown
– Black Shadow began from top of moon all the way down to bottom.
– 100% of moon was then black not a single pixel of light to be seen.
– Moon seemed to “reverse” and the light began from the bottom back to top again, totally opposite of an orbital passby as normal.
– Once the moon light began to show up again, all trace of orange tint was GONE it was entirely “white moon” again.
Checked star charts online, mercury behind sun, can not align shadow, venus was in the sky. Was thus NOT an alignment shadow.
– This is IMPOSSIBLE. Baffled. ZERO news online nor google searches anywhere. Nasa.com, many space websites and position tracking sites. Cant explain this whatsoever.
– People online also said no lunar eclipse on Feb 11 in Russia and other places. What the hell is going on?????? I am Stumped here.
Now there is NO MOON. in the middle of moon phase should be half the moon up at 40 degrees in night sky near mars view from our side same as last night. GONE, NO MOON. …… O.O Am I drunk?
Can’t wait to find out what the hell I am missing here. 360 degree view from high building just now searching for moon. Been dark for 5 hours and no sign of the moon. 11:06pm our time. Moon Should be high and visible by now same as last night 40 degrees in the sky in one hour. No way going to traverse 40 degrees up in a single hour from now. What the hell is going on wow!
update = moon on positioning sites shows moon at -14 degrees to our horizon tonight but last night was 40 degrees up at same time and full on black TOTAL lunar eclipse. Nothing in transit could have made this happen so I am spun out what could be the cause obviously. Nothing transited between earth and the sun. Impossible and off the schedule eclipse event.
Help me out here before I wind up in a white jacket that ties up in the back (chuckles)
Even wierder is India announced that they think they can mine the moon by 2030 for Helium 3 to make 100% of their power needs with “fusion”. Good luck even landing on moon in less than 13years with anything but a robot. Last time we landed anything on moon bigger than a motorbike size was um….never? Oh right the lunar people landing and need to make prompt exit asap.
I don’t think India will be digging for roopees and sipping laksa between dig breaks on the moon any time in next 50 years let alone just 13 years. Long way to go before something of the sort guys.
Lets figure out why we had a FULL LUNAR ECLIPSE off the schedule first.