What seems to be the subject on everybody’s mouth these days? The international Ebola outbreak, that is quickly becoming a crisis right here in America.
It seems like every time I turn on the news or pick up a newspaper, it’s being announced that another American has been infected with the Ebola virus.
With all the reports of Ebola popping up each day, more Americans, including myself, are becoming more alarmed. The reports are hitting too close to home for comfort.
What I am having a hard time understanding is why they keep bringing these cases into the country.
It seems to me like ever since they brought the first two patients over from Liberia to Emory Hospital, cases have been popping up all over. It’s as if, bringing them back to America, was opening the door and inviting Ebola in.
In my opinion, that was the first mistake made. Yes they successfully cured those two patients but, why couldn’t they of just treated them in Liberia before bringing them back to America? Didn’t they go over to Liberia with hopes of curing Ebola victims in the first place? So it couldn’t have been that they didn’t have the proper medical aid needed to treat them.
Also, although none of the recent cases have been in Atlanta yet, I still feel skeptical about them bringing patients to Emory. Isn’t that exposing our city to the virus? I’m no expert, so I could be wrong, but wouldn’t it be safer to have one central location, one hospital, that can specialize in treating these patients. Instead of sending them to different hospitals all over the country, treat them all in the same facility, in the same area.
The other day I was reading about a Texas nurse who was being treated in Bethesda, Maryland, why? Again, I’m no expert so it could be something I’m missing, but it just seems to me that that is contributing to the possibility of it becoming more widespread, by taking these patients to different cities and states.
But hey, what do I know?
I’m just a concerned citizen, who wants answers and assurance that myself and my family are protected from this virus.
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