(Gainesville, Ga.) – Hello all and welcome back to campus after a long, peaceful, fun and drawn out break!
I sound enthusiastic and all but I know the pain all too well… the pain of coming back to school after a month-long break with the expectation of getting back into the habit of things. I’m writing to help you get back into the habit of things throughout your first month of Spring 2015.
Sleep Is Your Friend
Your sleep schedule is most likely off by a long shot. Staying up ’til 4 a.m. watching Netflix, then waking up for an 8 a.m. class is not going to work unless you are a super woman.
One of the most important things about sleeping is being able to function the next day and that is not possible if you don’t have enough rest. My advice is to train yourself into a sleeping schedule the first few weeks. Turn off the phone and Netflix and make yourself lay there until sleep welcomes you with open arms!
Plan Ahead
Remember that cute little planner that your parents bought you? USE IT! During the first few weeks, it is critical to write down the assignments you get from professors. Class always starts off well when no one is giving you work, but all of sudden the work will overwhelm you. Remember you just spent a whole month doing nothing, so writing it down will help you to remember to turn things in on time.
Take a Chill Pill
Let’s be real… If you’re anything like me, you get annoyed by the sound of screaming girls saying, “OH MY GOSH, I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!”. Then you think “PLEASE SIT DOWN, IT WAS JUST 4 WEEKS”. You have to accept the fact that it will be like that for a week and there is nothing you can do about it.
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun
Remember that just because the first week goes by slow doesn’t mean the rest of the semester will, It will all be over before you know it! Enjoy your time in college while you can.
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