The freshmen class of Brenau University were asked to complete a survey regarding their first semester experience. The survey helped gather some insight into the progression of the first semester for the class of 2019.
A significant sample size of first year students were asked to provide their thoughts, concerns and opinions regarding their first semester experience. The answers were submitted anonymously and students were encouraged to be open and honest. The survey consisted of seven questions in the form of multiple choice, short answer and likert scale.
The first question asked if they felt like they benefited from their First Year Seminar class. 41.9 percent responded no. The answer neutral ranked second with 32.3 percent. Only 25.8 percent answered yes.
The students were asked how stressed do they feel on a scale from one meaning relaxed and five being super stressed. The number four scored the highest with 45.2 percent. Answers three and five tied both receiving 25.8 percent. Surprisingly, in the midst of this stress, only 32.3 percent of freshman said they have considered changing their major.
The survey asked freshmen if they have noticed a change within their eating habits. 11 out of the 31 responses said no. The others went into a further explanation. Some expressed that the change was due to busy schedules and stress. Some mentioned that they either eat less or they don’t eat anything healthy at all. Other students mentioned that if they are in a rush, it’s easy to skip a meal, stop at a vending machine or at a fast food restaurant.
When asked if it was hard to make friends, 74.2 percent answered no. One respondent answered, “As a freshman at Brenau, I instantly fell in love with how nice everyone on campus is. Brenau coordinates many events that initiates the spirit of sisterhood.”
In the short answer section, the Freshmen described their appreciation of a variety of sports and clubs that Brenau offers. Many were grateful about the new friendships they have built. Others mentioned how they have learned to prioritize. Time management, asking for help and balancing life seemed to be the issues most respondents have dealt with.
Lastly, the freshmen were asked to give suggestions on things they would change from their first semester. The vast majority expressed their dislike of their First Year Seminar class. One respondent answered, “Although this class did help at first, I did not sign up for a history course”. Others added that the class attributes to more stress.
Most of the students expressed their regret for consistently procrastinating during the first semester. They described how they are still learning time management skills. Some are considering taking fewer classes next semester. A few expressed their reoccurring issues with attendance in 8:00 a.m. classes.
Based on the results of the survey, it seems the freshmen class is off to a stressful start. They are still a work in progress, but most have started to realize ways to deal with and minimize stress. Transitioning from high school to college is not easy, but staying positive and making sure you are doing everything you can as a student makes the transition possible. Prioritizing time, making sure you are staying healthy and making wise decisions are all important lessons that will be learned over time. College is an exciting ride filled with memories that will last a lifetime. Buckle up freshmen, this is only the beginning.
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