(Gainesville, Ga.) The International Olympic Committee is reportedly adopting a new policy
allowing transgender athletes to participate pre gender reassignment surgery. The details of
these new guidelines have yet to be confirmed, but most are excited at the thought of the
international corporation adopting principles which have been enforced by other sports
organizations for quite some time.
It is no surprise this change in policy follows the recent media frenzy of former 1976 Olympic
Champion, Bruce Jenner, and his exclusive Diane Sawyer interview disclosing his internal
struggle with gender identification. Since Jenner’s emergence as the ESPY’s Arthur Ashe
Courage Award recipient, Caitlyn Jenner, the entertainment and sports world has been forced
to take on a new outlook on the entire LGBT community.
If the reports are true, the Rio 2016 Olympics will be the first time a person of transgender
identity will be allowed to participate in their desired field of competition. Of course this policy
comes with rules. The transgender athlete will only be allowed the privilege if they have
undergone one full year of hormone replacement therapy, and the new guideline will fall under
the NCAA Standards in the United States.
These rules are a much needed improvement compared to the original guidelines emplaced
regarding transgender participants in 2004. Originally, transgender Olympic hopefuls were
required to have undergone two full years of hormone replacement therapy, surgery and a
legal identification change. There is one thing we know for sure, if the rumors are true, the Rio
2016 Olympics will definitely be one for the record and a must see!
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