Commonly called “Meg Brenau” by those who know her best, Meg Bronaugh is a senior nursing major and a sister of Delta Delta Delta at Brenau University.
Meg learned about Brenau from family friends who lived in Gainesville. When she received the Golden Application and attended Winter Weekend, she committed to Brenau the next morning. Meg stated “My dad went to The Citadel, which was an all male college at the time, so my parents were really advocates for a single-gender education. “
Meg’s favorite Brenau tradition is The Gold Refined By Fire Ceremony. At the ceremony, Bronough said she put “becoming a strong leader, being more self confident and to become the best nurse she could be.” She didn’t realize her dreams she put into the fire as a freshman are now coming true, because she graduates from nursing school this May!
Meg fondly recalls May Day 2014 when Tri Delta hosted their centennial celebration. Meg stated, “I really treasure Brenau’s history and sisterhood, and hearing old stories from alums along with old pictures in yearbooks really gives me that Brenau spirit. My Tri Delta sisters and older alumnae are so supportive and give me advice to become the best version of myself.”
Meg also holds all of her funny memories from Brenau close to her heart. Once during a Tau Sigma show, Meg’s friend, MK Jabbia volunteered her to compete in the dance contest during intermission. Meg made it to the last round with her dance skills with students and friends cheering her on.
When speaking of the Brenau Ideal, Meg says that her favorite line is, “To love deeply, fear nothing, hate never.” Meg says “This is the ideal that I strive to live by everyday. Being passionate and loving unconditionally has pushed me to find more reason why I want to be a nurse. There are obstacles and fears to overcome each and every day, but finding that strength to overcome each and everyday, but finding that strength to never use the word hate and finding the good one everyone and everything has made me more of a Brenau woman.”
The advice that Meg would give to current and future Brenau women is to “never stop exploring opportunities to grow, and to never let discouragement hinder you from your goals. You can be whoever you want to be at Brenau.” Meg also advises, “ If you take baby steps toward being pure in heart, vigorous in mind, and discreet in action, you’ll truly become as gold refined by fire.”
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