For this week’s girl tip it can actually relate to anyone. My tip is to put yourself first.
This tip really relates to people in relationships or those about to be in a relationship. I think this is one of the most important things to learn in life. You should always put yourself first, and I mean that in a completely unselfish way. I know that sounds confusing, but I mean never put your life on the back burner just because of a friend, relationship or anything else. Don’t give up on your dream or what you have worked hard for because a boy decided to move across the country away from you or because something else bizarre happens.
I know that it is hard, but it has to be an equal balance of give and take. Don’t always be the one who’s doing most of the giving or the taking. You should have all the opportunities in the world, but don’t let someone stop you from believing doing what makes you happy. Some people are capable of some pretty amazing things if only they wouldn’t let people stop them. Always remember to put yourself first!
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