By: Rachel Zarach
(Hollywood, CA) – PETA, an American rights group, which is known for being the largest animal rights group in the world, is suddenly outraged with Katy Perry’s new music video for “Roar.” PETA’s slogan is “animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment or abuse in any way.” Obviously, with this said, Katy Perry used animals in her music video for “entertainment” purposes. PETA spokeswoman, Merrilee Burke says, “”Animals used for entertainment endure horrific cruelty and suffer from extreme confinement and violent training methods. They often become stressed and anxious when hauled around and forced into unfamiliar or frightening situations.”
It seems PETA must be outraged a lot because animals are constantly used for entertainment purposes. If PETA is so concerned about the training methods towards the animals, maybe they should sit in and supervise the set.
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