(Gainesville, Ga.) – As eager potential college students, it is rare to look into college campus safety when searching for the perfect institution.
Truth is parents rarely consider this aspect of college either.
College years have proven to be some of the most dangerous to teens and young adults. Students participate in activities such as: Drugs, underaged drinking, sexual activity and general carelessness. is a website focused on news relevant to students and tips. One such tip notes that 12 percent of all college women will or have been raped during their college experience. Although the number may seem small, it is still enough to have a concern.
It has been reported that most predators do not have a specific preference. However, they look for the “young and fresh “ type which is a category that most traditional college women fall under.
It has also been reported that college girls are subject to be preyed on because of the way they dress, vulnerability, desperation for money and lack of confidence. One in five girls will be stalked or raped by an ex boyfriend after a break up. Alcohol consumption increases one’s chances.
Some important tips for college women should familiarize themselves with to lessen their chances of becoming victims include:
1. Carry mace. It is not guaranteed safety but will at least give you a fighting chance at getting away.
2. Buddy system. Having a buddy is not just for children; having a friend or two with you will make you less approachable to a predator.
3. A fully charged cell phone. It could be the difference between 911 helping you and a disappearance in the night.
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