(Gainesville, Ga.) – Your college years are a great time to do some exploring. You take this time to find yourself, find out what you like and don’t like in your life. For some, that may include finding a significant other to spend all your time with until your older years.
Unlike middle and high school relationships, dating during your college years are meant to do one of two things which are: last forever or teach you a lesson.
In reading this article, I would like to present some tips to young ladies to keep that lesson-learned-boyfriend from being one with life long consequences.
This is your guide to safe dating!
Women between the ages of 18 and 24 are at highest risks of date rape and/or assault.
It seems fun for your friends to set you up on a blind date with the cute guy you all met at the mall or even the one that followed you on Instagram yesterday. However, going anywhere with a complete stranger is the first RED FLAG. By agreeing to let this guy take you out is completely fine but there are some things you must first do to make your experience pleasant and safe.
Two Is Better Than One
When agreeing on the details of the first date it would be a great option to suggest a double date with a friend. Double dates allow you to get to know a little more about the person while in a group setting with people that you feel comfortable with.
Group dates are not the most romantic but they can definitely save you the nerves and worry about your safety. Plus if you happened to get Catfish-ed, you will have someone to laugh with later on.
Meet In The Middle
If for any reason the both of you choose not to go with the group dating strategy, driving your own car to meet in a public setting is a safe alternative. Meeting the person there gives you an escape route at your own time if needed.
I know what you’re thinking… What about those without cars?
Simple, have a friend drop you off and have a set pick-up time.
OR, ride with the guy to the place but be sure to discretely take a picture of his license plate before getting in the car.
While you’re at it take a picture of your full outfit and load it to Instagram. Not as shallow as it seems: the picture for Instagram is for everyone to know what you had on in the case of something happening while on the date.
Your Best Friend, Kim Possible
My last tip is a great one and even though it sounds elementary, it could be very reassuring.
If your nerves are high about going out to dinner with a complete stranger, have a friend sit at another table and watch. We all know the buddy system!
The most important thing about dates is that you are comfortable and being yourself at all times.
There are so many ways to have a great time and remain safe at the same time. Happy dating, go out and find our soulmate!
For more safety tips, refer to previous articles in the Get Out Column!
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