Aunica Clinton
“I love Brenau because… This is a statement I often come across when talking
to people and my answer is always the same. I love the great opportunities that have come my
way, I love being close to home, and most importantly I love the lifelong friends I have made
and continue to make while I am here. Now while this may seem like the typical answer for most
Brenau women, these reasons are especially true for me and let me explain why.
Reason number
one: since my freshman year, many opportunities have come my way that I feel I would not have
received if I would have gone to another University. I am a part of the cross country team that
actually won their first NAIA conference my freshman year and received runner-up my second
year here at Brenau. I am a part of the Track and Field team that are still the NAIA conference
reigning champs since the team’s inaugural season three years ago. My sophomore year I
became Brenau’s television station student manager which is a rare achievement for a
sophomore at any University. I am a member of HerCampus at Brenau which is a national
college magazine for women. I am a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) which
helps spread Christianity on Brenau’s campus. I am a work-study student for the University. And
I am a soon to be member of the Women in Technology program (WIT) here at Brenau. All of
these great opportunities would have never happened if it was not for Brenau’s positive outlook
on students getting involved on campus.
Reason number two: I love the fact that I am close to
home. I live on Pleasant Hill some home for me is only a 30 to 45 min drive depending on
traffic. I love being at a University this close to home because family is very important to me,
and if I ever need to go home I am only a short drive away. Reason number three: I have made
friends that will last a lifetime. Ever since I stepped foot on this campus I have gained so many
new friends that have now become family. These ladies are some of the best friends a girl could
have and we literally do everything together when we are on campus. Whenever we need each
other we are there for one another and without them my experience here at Brenau would not be
as enjoyable. My name is Aunica Clinton, I am a junior Mass Communications major and this is
why I love Brenau.”
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