There comes a time when every Brenau student finishes their education. One student getting ready to graduate this May is Jamie Bunting.
Bunting is a primary education major and after graduation has plans to find a teaching job for 1st to 3rd grade. She also has hopes to start earning a master’s in early education.
Bunting is very involved on campus. During her 4 years, she has been a lead RA, had 2 executive positions at Alpha Chi Omega, became a servant leader scholar, is in the executive student government association, a Greek co-council, captain on the basketball team, and is a part of several Honor’s Society on campus.
Coming to Brenau has taught Bunting many lessons but, the most significant to her is learning how to love yourself. “You truly need to love yourself daily and give that love to others. The best way to support others is to love them deeply,” said Bunting. One of her favorite memories was finding her “forever home” in Alpha Chi Omega. ” I thank my Alpha Chi sisters for loving and supporting me through my best and worst days,” she said, “They taught me how to be a leader.”
Another memory Bunting is grateful for is every second with her basketball teammates over her 4 years. She is thankful for the friendships she created with her teammates.
Bunting is also a very fun person. She loves Criminal Minds and has binged watched the show six different times. She also loves to travel and has traveled to Italy and Ireland because of basketball. Once as a player and once as an assistant coach.
Bunting has enjoyed her 4 years at Brenau but looks forward to graduating after this spring semester.
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