By: Caroline Aldridge As I was standing with my friends, awaiting the name of our newest family member, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of “this is exactly where I belong.” The drumline played, chorus sang, cheerleaders led cheers, and the rest of us had the opportunity to soak it all in. Most people […]
Archives for October 7, 2013
“Pirates 5” Release Date Pushed Back
By: Makenzey Haynes Ever since the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise began in 2003, it has never left movie goers disappointed until now. Due to the recent failure of “The Lone Ranger,” it has Disney pushing back the release date of the fifth installment of the Pirates series. “The Lone […]
Transferring To Brenau University
By: Sydney Koon Coming to Brenau University after my freshman year was a great decision. However, the struggle with trying to keep my credits was unbelievable. During my freshman year at Montreat College, I had earned 30 credit hours. When transferring to Brenau, I started my sophomore year with nine credits. I have been […]
Gender-based Wage Gap Still Exist in USA
By: Katayon Qahir (Gainesville, GA) Do you know how much women earn in the United States, today, compared to men? Women in the United States today are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men and the gap is even worse for African-American and Latina women. According to a study by […]
Afghanistan’s Victory In the South Asian Football Federation Championship
By: Katayon Qahir (Gainesville, GA) Afghanistan just won its first international trophy in football last Thursday. In Kabul, the capital city of the country, young and old cheered, clapped and laughed as their team seized the win in Kathmandu, Nepal. Cars horns blared, and some Afghans waved national flags on the […]